
class CurveUpVectorMpStyleSampler(*args, **kwargs)#


CurveUpVectorSampler System Network Network DependNode DependNode PyNode ProxyUnicode

Works similarly to the ‘follow’ options on motionPath nodes.


Returned vectors won’t be perpendicular to curve tangents, with the expectation that they will be perpendicularized during subsequent matrix construction.

classmethod create(curve, upObject=None, upVector=None)#

If neither upObject nor upVector are specified, the system will default to curve normals.

  • curve (str, paya.runtime.nodes.NurbsCurve, paya.runtime.nodes.Transform, paya.runtime.plugs.NurbsCurve) – the curve on which to create the sampler

  • upObject/uo (str, Transform) – if provided on its own, works as an aiming interest (similar to ‘Object Up’ mode on motionPath nodes); if combined with upVector, the object’s world matrix is used to multiply the up vector; defaults to None

  • upVector/upv (None, list, tuple, str, Vector, Vector) – if provided on its own, used as-is; if combined with upObject, the object’s world matrix is used to multiply the up vector; defaults to None


The network system.

Return type
